Gregory Antipoff

Gregory Antipoff

Greg Antipoff is a certified public accountant (CPA) and a real estate tax strategist. He is affectionately known as The Real Estate Accountant, dedicated to helping real estate agents keep more of what they earn. Greg achieves this by walking agents through his signature “Financial EKG: Earn, Keep, Grow” framework. With so much emphasis already being placed on how agents can “Earn” more, he chooses to focus on helping agents “Keep” and “Grow” what they earn. Greg’s knack for making tax and accounting topics easy to understand and humorous leaves agents educated, entertained and ready to take action.

Greg operates a tax and accounting firm dedicated to helping real estate agents keep more of their hard earned money through financial education and tax planning.

At home in Connecticut, Greg is a Husband, Father of two young daughters, Chief-Stick-Thrower to an energetic Labradoodle, former REALTOR® and Firefighter/EMT.

Speaker Details
  • Name
    Gregory Antipoff
  • Title
    Tax Strategist
  • Website
  • Network
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
It’s not what you Earn, it’s what you Keep! With our industry’s strong focus on helping agents Earn more, this session will focus on helping you Keep more. Join us to learn about ways to reduce...
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Don’t be surprised by your first, or next, big tax bill. As a real estate agent, you are a self-employed business owner. This session we will bring awareness to the tax and accounting requirements...
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
How often do you ask yourself or your tax advisor, “Is this tax deductible?” In this session you will learn how to ask a much better version of that question that can save you thousands. Learn the...