Adorna Carroll

Adorna Carroll

Adorna is the President and CEO of Dynamic Directions, Inc. – a training company and consulting firm specializing in Association Management Solutions. She is the author of the SRS, RENE and The Right Start courses and collaborate with others to update NAR and REBI advance residential courses. She was an NAR liaison in 2002, 2003, 2007; NAR’s VP of Committees in 2005; NAR Chief Political Fundraiser in 2006; National President in 2016 for the Real Estate Business Institute and is the 79th recipient of NAR’s Distinguished Service Award. She is a $50+K RPAC Hall of Fame; REBAC Hall of Fame and Who’s Who of American Women, Emerging Leaders, Finance and Industry, in the East and in America.

Speaker Details
  • Name
    Adorna Carroll
  • Title
    President, Dynamic Directions, Inc.
  • Website
  • Network
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
In today’s real estate market, having effective dialogue and cutting-edge skills are imperative to representing buyer clients. Real estate professionals need to be able to articulate their value and...
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
In today’s real estate market, having effective dialogue and cutting-edge skills are imperative to representing seller clients. Real estate professionals need to be able to articulate their value...