Crystal Washington has broad experience in consulting real estate and builder industries including recent speaking engagements for the Colorado and Michigan Association of REALTORS®. Outside of the real estate category, Crystal has been hired by companies including Google, Microsoft and GE. With a specialty in multi-generational consulting and strategy, Crystal is able to appeal to seasoned real estate agents as well as newcomers. For the veteran agents, Crystal’s message encompasses core tactics for reaching the millennial buyer. For the new agents, Crystal is able to transform standard comfort with social media into actionable digital marketing and prospecting strategies. Crystal is the owner of CWM Enterprises, author of “The Social Media Why”, and co-founder of Socialtunities, a social media instructional brand aimed at training everyone from Gen Y’s to Baby Boomers in strategically using social media. She has been interviewed by ABC, NBC, FOX, CBS, Associated Press, and numerous radio stations and magazines around the globe as a social media expert.
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