Sandy Hedenberg

Sandy Hedenberg

After graduating from Rutgers with a degree in Marketing, she became the Director of Marketing in the new construction sales office of a condominium development company. This position allowed her to handle every aspect of a residential real estate transaction, providing her with an invaluable understanding of a Realtor’s perspective. Recognizing the importance of constantly growing personally, she obtained her master’s degree in PR from Rowan University and a NJ Real Estate Broker’s License, as well as expanding her real estate practice across the bridge to PA. Her upbeat attitude, outgoing personality and strong work ethic have enabled her to build lasting positive relationships with her associates, clients and customers through the years.

Speaker Details
  • Name
    Sandy Hedenberg
  • Title
    Broker Associate, Real Broker LLC
  • Website
  • Network
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
This session focuses specifically on the area of personal finance and achieving financial goals for Realtors® and other professionals in the real estate industry. Also, given the current landscape of...